IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain

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IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain (IJASHNB) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing more...

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118- 123

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Sanjay Prasad Sah, Kishwor Bhandari*, Sanju Acharya

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Organ donation: Perception among medical students

Original Article

Author Details : Sanjay Prasad Sah, Kishwor Bhandari*, Sanju Acharya

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2019

Article Page : 118-123


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Introduction: Lack of human organ for transplantation is a worldwide issue as the need of transplants is
higher than the availability. People often do not have all the information they need to decide on donating
an organ nor do they have a clear understanding of the donation process. Lack of information and religious
beliefs are the major causes of opposing organ donation. There are certain misconceptions and lack of
knowledge in people for organ donation which must be addressed properly by government and healthcare
professionals. Health care providers play a key role in educating the public and act as critical link to engage
the community members in spreading the awareness of organ donation to the public.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to understand the awareness, attitude and knowledge about
organ donation among medical students.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 600 undergraduate medical
students of Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India. A structured questionnaire
was used to assess perception towards organ donation. A convenient sampling method was employed and
all students who consented orally and were willing to participate by filling the questionnaire were enrolled
into the study.
Result: About 99% of the students were aware of organ donation out of which 77.5% were willing to
donate their organs. We found that most of the students 93.5% had perception that organ donation save
someone’s life. In the study about 81% of the students said that their religion allows for organ donation
whereas the remaining of the students had no idea regarding religious view about organ donation.
Conclusion: The awareness on organ donation among an undergraduate medical student is high. Few
students are unwilling to donate their organs because of psychological anxiety. Educational institute are
most effective in providing knowledge of organ donation to the medical students.

Keywords: Organ donation, Transplantation, Health professionals.

How to cite : Sah S P, Bhandari K, Acharya S, Organ donation: Perception among medical students. IP Indian J Anat Surg Head Neck Brain 2019;5(4):118-123

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