IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain

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IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain (IJASHNB) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing more...

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122- 126

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Sarita Sylvia, Humaira Zainab*, Mohammed Khaleel Ahmed

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A case-control study on relationship between dermatoglyphics and hypertension

Original Article

Author Details : Sarita Sylvia, Humaira Zainab*, Mohammed Khaleel Ahmed

Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2020

Article Page : 122-126


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Background: In current study, we attempted to direct significant palmar dermatoglyphic restricts if there should be an occurrence of hypertension hypertensive’s in age group among 20-50 years and whether the cutoff points can be utilized for broadcast reason.
Materials and Methods: Along with the utilization of modified Purvis Smith strategy, Black copying ink (Kores, Bombay) was grimy on similarly pointers individually and plans will be involved by advancing the hands since wrist creases to fingertips on the breaker covered with the bond paper. In spite of the fact that crystal bond paper, applied unfalteringly over a wood cushion, has been utilized for recording the inked epidermal edge plans. Rolled finger desing has been created in the wake of applying consistent greatness on white bond paper since ulnar to radial side. Entire palm imprint, alongside the reverberating or the accolade was found over paper. Subsequently, one bunch of fingerprints and palm prints was acquired. The prints discovered were straightforwardly assessed with hand-focal point.
Results: Right hand and left hand of the together male and female examination bunch demonstrated extra number of curves than controls. Right hand and left hand of the together male and female investigation group demonstrated extra number of Circular loops than controls. The right hand and left hand of together male and female controller bunch introduced extra number of ulnar loops as opposed to study cluster. The right hand and left hand of the male controller group introduced more number of Whorl instead of study, however in females, the right hand study bunch introduced additional amount of whorl than regulator bunch
and the left hand study bunch introduced less amount of Whorl as related to regulator group.
Conclusion: The current study shows that there are some hereditary variables which are engaged with the causation of essential hypertension and it is conceivable to certain degree to foresee from dermatoglyphics person’s possibility of securing basic hypertension. Like clinical history, assessment and examinations, the dermatoglyphics will assume a significant job uncovering the hereditary powerlessness to essential hypertension.

Keywords: Hypertensive, Ulnar loops, Whorls, Dermatoglyphic, Radial loops.

How to cite : Sylvia S, Zainab H , Ahmed M K, A case-control study on relationship between dermatoglyphics and hypertension. IP Indian J Anat Surg Head Neck Brain 2020;6(4):122-126

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