IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain

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IP Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain (IJASHNB) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing more...

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Get Permission Raju: Analysis of anatomy of head and neck: A study through empiricals part- II


The human-head stands on top of the body-vertebra together with the brain-cranium (the skull) linking and join up at initial cervical-vertebra on the “atlas” referred to as. The thin portion of the head—neck shapes the best upper portion of the axial—skeleton as well as it is also build with the brains=cranium (the skull), hyoid-bone followed by the spine-cervical.1, 2, 3 It is the structural(anatomical) component which consists of the brain-cranium(skull), hyoid—bone and also the vertebrae(cervical). Here, skull is referred to as mutually indicating mandible (which is a lower—jaw of the bone) plus brain-cranium (which is an higher-part of the cranium-head which stores the human-brain).

The human-neck (shaft, or neckline) anatomical-structures are spread in the interior four-spot partitions. 4, 5, 6, 7

  1. “Vertebral—section” which includes cervical-vertebra, through the cartilaginous-disc amid each, and everybody-vertebra. However, it is defined the orientation of the body—vertebrae derives the forms (shaping) of the neck of the human. 5

  2. As and when the vertebra tied the “spinal—canal” (canal of the spine), the “cervical—section” which belongs to “spinal—cord” was well detected surrounded by the neck opening.

  3. “Visceral—section” that holds the throat(trachea), larynx(related to voice), throat(pharynx), thyroid followed by para thyroid secretors(glands, secretory/ or secretery organ).

  4. “Vascular—section” is come together as well as comprises two carotids—sheath uncovered lying on top of each and every-part of the throat(‘trachea’). All the carotids—sheath consists of vagus—nerve, normal carotid—vein(‘artery’ and/or route) as well as the interior (inner) jugular-artery(‘vein’).

Above and beyond and also likewise, the registered anatomical—structures, the neckline comprises lymph`s, i.e.,(cervical—lymph`s) joints (nodes) or connections which encompass the plasma (life-blood)-vessels. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Plasma—Supply, and lymphatics

Most significant plasma—vessels of human—neck are restricted and also restricted contained by the surrounded by the sheath of the carotids which are normal carotid—arteries, inner carotids— arteries, followed by the interior vena jugularis jugular—veins. 

The “right-side” normal carotidarteries derives as of brachio-cephalic-arteries, whereas left-side normalcarotid arteries derives right away from ‘aortic-archies’. The usual carotids separates hooked on the interior, the inner-carotids followed by the outer carotids-arteries maximum to the extent of the exceptional section of the “thyroid-cartilage. 1, 7” The exterior carotidarteries egresses the sheaths of carotids plus provides the cursory and/or trivial characteristic of the side (face-look) as well as components of neckline and that yields exceptions—thyroid arteries, linguisticartery (lingual), facial-artery, plus occipital—arteries. The inner carotidartery remains in to lay-bone all through across the canals of the carotids plus connects the circle-of-Willis to provide the ocular(ophthalmic-opthamology) blood vessel, frontal intellectual (cerebral) arteries, also central intellectual arteries. 1, 7

Numerous lymph connections are within the neck-of-the head, through bulk positioned or situated adjacent to the path of the interior vena jugularis-veins. The horizontal head-neck lymph-connections occur within frontal plus backside shackles over every-side section of head-neck, adjacent to as well as strongly connected through inner jugulars—veins.

Neuro embryology

The embryology which is a field (branch) of science which is associated with the development, evolution, as well as advancement of nucleus which is dealing through the prenatal—phase of growth opening as of creation of gametes, insemination, creation-of-zygote(fertilized-ovum), growth-of-embryo as well as the fetus to the natal of a novel/new-fangled novel separate. There are mainly two fundamental procedures concerned are development as well as diversity that leads to the creation of different tissues also tissues and structural-tissues within the body-vertebra dedicated to stage to accomplish particular tasks and purposes. This neuro embryology field is is linked to the growth of the CNS which consists of the human brain as well as the spinal plus the PNS – the prephiral nervous-system which consists of the spinal/vertebral, cranial, as well as “autonomic-nerves” within the human-body’. Such that these soft--tissues build as of neural/ or neuronal-tube also neural/neuronal-growth-cells.


The human head-neckline is house of the variety of anatomical structures of the nervous—system.

The cervical—gangliaon is the threesome triangle of sensitive nervous-system9NS) gangliaon which sit together with the vertebral/spinal row/column. The exceptional cervical-ganglia lie down at the C 2 / C 3 entomb or intomb vertebral/spinal height, whilst the central cervical--ganglia remains rests at the C 6 / C 7 lay to rest spinal/vertebral degree point. The mediocre(inferior) cervic ganglia is combined through a few thoracic—-ganglia to build the “stellate—ganglia” at the C 7 / T 1 entomb spinal/vertebral intensity-point. 8, 9, 10

The cranial-nerves, i.e.,X.I (spinal/vertebra-attachment-nerve) has a cranial-source as well as the spinal/vertebral origin. The cranial foundation leaves the vena jugularis for a men also connects the ‘vagusnerves. That traverses the subsequent cervical-trio threesome-triangle at the bottom or subsequent “digastric-muscle” as well as remains substandard while waiting for it innervate the sterno-cleido-mastoid (SCM)muscle. Later that maintains externally to the “levator-scapulae” LSM(muscle and also completes in the musculus-trapezius. 8

Figure 1

Veins (arteries) of human—head plus neck.



The pla-tysma is one of the slender-muscle which stretches as of the superior chest-pectus(thorax) towards the cheek-line (brass) also slighter-perimeter. Such that it works to attraction the dominant rim substandard, as well as the strained the neckline externally, also gets nerve source as ofthe ‘cervical-branch’ of the “facial-nerves”. 11

The sterno- cleido- mastoid (SCM) muscle has had two heads of muscles which derive as of the sternial manus- briums as well as ‘median-clavicle’. These headsof muscles combine plus include at the mastoid-process process of the sequential/temporal-bone as well as exceptional nuchalneckline. Such that which works to turn around the top to the opposing position which is tightening. So, its innervenation is through the C N - X I. 12, 13, 14

The suprahyoid trapeziusmuscles comprise of the dig a stric, mylo hyoid, as well as genio hyoid—muscles`. Such that these muscle-tones ascrikbe abd attribute to the bone of-hyoid as well as segments of the jaw bones, with the exception of for the “digastric—muscle.”

The digastrics muscles that has two tummies, one is the latter of which connects to the mastoidal-processes of the terrestrial-bone’. Innervated of the genio-hyoid’ is through the C N X-I I, which is also referred to as the “hypo-glossal-nerve”. The frontal tummy of the digastrics- muscleses as well as the mylo hyoid pick up nerve source as of the mylo hyoid-nerve’, a offshoot of the inframaxillary branch of the C N V. The facial scrub nerve enervated the digastrics-muscle rear end abdomen. Such that their work is to improve the “hyoids-bones”. 1


The then peripheral carotid-arteries typically yields off 3 frontal sections. On or after lower to excellent, they are the greater thyroids arteries, the linguistic, i.e., lingual-arteties artery`s, as well as the facial’ scrub artery`s.

The exceptional thyroid-artery`s pass through substandard to the ‘thyroid-gland’ which also yieldsoff the sternomastoid(SC) artery`s. Sporadically, and intermittently the SCartery will occur immediately as of the peripheral “carotid-artery`s”. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The facial scrub artery`s typically leaves the peripheral carotid-artery`s higher than the beyond the higher-horn` of the hyoid also which pass through commandingly at the back of the sub mandi bular-glands.

Operational Matters and Consequences

In the course of numerous shoulder joint operations (surgical-operations), the “nerve-blocks” are employed to reduce discomfort for the duration of throughout the course of the initial twenty-four hours, i.e., one complete day of operation, that enhances the subject who is a patient patient fulfillment, as well as it reduces the demand for “opioid-discomfort” alleviation. Such that these “nerve-blocks”, nerve-jumps are frequently performed within the ultra sound management as well as are transferred on to the “brachial-plexus’ muscles” right away directly as they leave the frontal as well as the central “scalene-muscles” within the neckline. However, there are several indeed many and also more cervical-cell “blocks/units” employed in to the surgical operation. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22


Approximately circa ~40% of head followed by the neck surgeries are linked through the post op (post operative) disease, that frequently and more often happens within a month following the operational-surgery. Therefore, further study is followed. In the coming research study, we will focus more on head and neck caner issues which is a challenging horizon.

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V Rama Raju*

Article History

Received : 15-01-2023

Accepted : 25-01-2023

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